
More than 100 entities join the Andalusian bioeconomy map

79 Andalusian research groups and 35 companies are already part of the map launched by ATRESBIO, and available here:

The ATRESBIO project, led by CTA (Technological Corporation of Andalusia), has recently launched an online map to identify relevant stakeholders for the deployment of the bio-based industry in Andalusia (Spain). 79 research groups and 35 companies has already joined the map.

The objective of the map is to identify, coordinate and give visibility to regional capacities for research and the provision of innovation services in the bioeconomy. The map includes a search engine that allows you to filter by province, sector (olive, horticulture, algal biomass and others) and service.

All the entities identified on the map offer some of the 10 advanced innovation services that the ATRESBIO project has considered key to the development of the Andalusian bioeconomy:

  • Industrial proof-of-concept.

  • Patent and IP related aspects.

  • Life-cycle assessment.

  • Technology and economic appraisal.

  • Feedstock analysis.

  • Market research.

  • Sustainability assessment and regulatory compliance and reporting.

  • Business Planning and business plan reviewing.

  • Access to investors.

  • Support to proposals to EU funding calls.

Campos de cultivos

ATRESBIO is a project led by CTA and funded by the Regional Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities of the Andalusian Government with ERDF funds.

Do you wish to figure in the ATRESBIO search engine? Fill in the form!

    CTA contact
    C/ Albert Einstein, s/n. Edificio INSUR, 4ª pta. PCT Cartuja, 41092 – Sevilla (España)